donderdag 23 september 2010

Sometimes the DREAMS that come TRUE are DREAMS you never even knew you had ♥

My first blog post, yeeeeaaayyyy *throwing hands up in the air like i just don't care*

So after hearing some people tell me the same thing over and over again, "make a blog, you should make a blog, start making a blog already" , over and over again, I finally did it. This blog will give me a chance to share my thoughts, my experiences and my talent.

I have a huge passion for the art of makeup, i mean it's unbelievable the amount of looks you can create on the blank canvas that is someones body/face. I've always admired people who have this talent and with a lot of practice and research I've developed my talent too. I'm still learning and i will never stop.
A few years ago i would've never thought i would be where i am now and I am very grateful for every opportunity I've had to share my talent and in the next posts I will share this with you guys too !

I'll try to update my blog as often as i can so come on and join the ride....


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